Sunday, November 30, 2008

Puttin' the Book to Bed

I hit the 50,000 word mark for NaNoWriMo a week ago, and have spent this past week adding in details and tweaking some stuff. It's certainly far from a polished, final work, but I'm really happy at where things ended up.

The print jobs were all sent to the lab, and I'm finishing up some edits tonight before I head over to the Missoula Children's Theater to take performance photos for "Nuncrackers". Madelyn was cast at the last minute for the show when one of the performers had to drop out, so she's spent the past week learning blocking, music, and all the little details. We're so proud of our little postulate.

The show opens on Dec 5th but there will be run-throughs and dress rehearsals over the next few days. From what I've seen of the show thus far, it looks like it's going to be pretty funny.

Secret Garden images from November 15th and 16th will be posted to my proofing site by this afternoon. Check them out. Performance photos for parents are available on disk.

We are also excited to tell you of our newest arrival to our home. Elfie the Elf arrived on Friday afternoon, a gift from my sister and her daughters. He's our resident "Elf on the Shelf" and Thomas is smitten with this little guy. Elfie flies back to the North Pole each night to give Santa a report on Thomas's behavior, and hides in a new place each morning. I'll post some of the funny places he's ended up. Thomas has beene excited to look for him in the morning, although today was more of a challenge, as he was sitting on the molding on the kitchen door, so it took a while to spot him. Thanks for the new addition, guys! I wish I could have an elf all year!

Have a great week, everyone!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I've been out of posting-land for a few weeks, focused on a ton of photography jobs and writing, writing, writing like a maniac in all the spare time. I just passed the 50,000 word mark, completing the challenge of NaNoWriMo to write a 50,000 word novel in the month of November. It's a great feeling of accomplishment--YEE HAH!!! Now it's time to get back to working on the studio and getting print orders fulfilled and out for the holidays. Thanks to every one who emailed their support and kept sending hilarious messages on Facebook! You're all so great!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Photos, Writing, and McDonald's Playland

Today marks the end of week 1 of NaNoWriMo, and I have to say that I'm impressed with myself. Either that or I'm completely insane, but I prefer to go with impressed. Early this morning I passed the 25% completion mark, logging just over 13,000 words that actually gel together and make sense. Not quite sure I'm ready to call myself a novelist, but I've always enjoyed writing and for some reason this particular story is coming very easy to me. I'm writing it in parts, so I'm not sure how they'll all tie together, but it's been fun so far and I'll have to tip my hat to my neighbor, Russ, who encouraged me to do it.

It's been a horrific week with the day job. My work cell phone holds 20 calls in the voice mailbox; my office phone holds 40....both maxed out several times this day they maxed out...TWICE. I thought my head would explode. It couldn't have come at a worse time, when I was trying to get eight shoots edited and proofs back to people, as well as work on a very technical edit that has required some consultation.

Short and sweet of it is that I hit a bit of a wall, but now I've gone through it (insert cartoon characterization of Maureen's outline in the brick wall), and I'm getting everything done that needs to get done. My apologies to friends and family if you've been waiting for me to call you back. When I emerge I'll have a lot of chatting to do.

I did take a much-needed break last night and took Thomas on a little date. I've been working so much for the past two months that he finally came downstairs to my basement office, tugged on my sleeve, and said, "Mommy, when Daddy is gone this weekend, can you and I play?" Enough said. I have no remorse about typing this right now as he's engrossed in a Jimmy Neutron episode, but I shut the computer off last night, dropped Madelyn off at MCT (she's helping backstage) and took Thomas out to dinner and then to the new play structure in the newly rebuilt McDonald's. He's four, but this was our first venture over there. He had a blast and played on the thing for THREE HOURS. The way the place was rebuilt, there is very little echo in there and, sad to say, it was almost pleasant (!!!). He made a bunch of new friends and it was so much fun to watch him run, climb, squeal, and use his imagination to make up all sorts of games. I knew he was tired because when I finally told him it was time to get going home at 9 pm, he didn't even put up a fight. We got home, read some books, and cuddled up together until we both fell asleep. Who knew that going to Mickey D's could be rated as one of my favorite evenings, but it did.

Andy is off in Pittsburgh for the annual trip back to see his brothers and go the Steelers game. I'm jealous. I know tonight he'll be sitting at Delallo's eating his favorite ravioli and kicking back a Rolling Rock...ON TAP. What I would do for a slice of pizza from Fiori's in Dormont. Ugh. Guess dads are allowed their fun, too!

I've not taken ONE photo of my NaNoWriMo experience...sorry. Just didn't happen. I'll just steal other people's images instead!!!

Take care and have a happy Saturday. It's been raining here all day today, and I procrastinated on raking leaves, so I get my punishment by raking wet soggy leaves to the street. Fun fun fun. At least in Missoula everyone rakes the leaves onto the street and they come by and suck them up, recycling them for mulch for the parks and stuff. That's a pretty cool thing about living here.

Of course, now I'm a bit afraid of raking! My neighbor Pat, who raked that HUGE pile of leaves for Thomas last weekend, suffered a heart attack this past week. I saw him out there raking one afternoon, and the next thing I knew, a fire truck and ambulance were whisking him up to the hospital. Luckily he recognized the signs early and called 911 right away, so he's expected to make a completely recovery. Gosh, between Pat having a heart attack while raking this week, and Andy having an episode with his arrhythmia while shoveling snow last winter, I have a feeling there'll be a lot of manual labor in my future.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Muse Has Struck

Patience is a virtue, right? Unfortunately I've never considered myself particularly virtuous. I waited. And waited. And waited and waited and waited. Watched Poltergeist on t.v. Started watching The Shining. Still feel that that is the scariest horror move. Ever. Then, at 10:24 came. The muse arrived. The words started to flow. In a sort-of coherent order. I. Am. A. Novelist. Officially. In the same vein that Andy declares I. Am. A. Master. Electrician. when he is able to replace a light fixture. Danger lurks.

2216 words logged. 47784 to go.

I've also received an additional challenge from my photographer friends...document my month not only in words, but in pictures as well. With friends like these who needs enemies? Ok. But today I have to start with someone else's picture. This was uploaded onto the NaNoWriMo Facebook page and I thoroughly howled. I especially like the reference to Full Metal Jacket.

I told you. Danger lurks. I am also enjoying the threatening posts people are making, saying that if you tick them off, they will kill off your character. This could get waaaay interesting.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Let the Games Begin....NanoWrimo 2008

Well, I've gone ahead and done it...again. I'm hopeful that this time my attempt at NaNoWriMo is successful, as I crashed and burned three days into it last time. What is NaNoWriMo you may be asking yourself? National Novel Writing Month. It is a courageous effort made my thousands of would-be novelists, bloggers, cigar-smoking bureaucrats looking for a distraction, teenagers, housewives, crazed lunatics, English majors, and yours truly to write a 50,000 word novel all during the month of November. My dear neighbors, the Thayers, have this year guilted me into the project, noting that almost every week I loudly exclaim, "I've got my novel's all right here!!" (insert visual of me pointing vehemently at my noggin'). In a last ditch effort to have me put up or shut up, they said, "'re all set for NanoWriMo!".

Looking for a quick exit. Stage left. Trying to jump out the window. My office is in my basement.

Damn. I'm committed.

It is now 7:21 pm MST. I have It's amazing that when you boast about having an entire novel already written (insert previous visual) when it comes time to put pencil to paper or finger to keyboard, nothing happens. Well, lots of things happen, find the laundry that hasn't been done. You begin to identify the various types of mold and fungus growing in your refrigerator. You say, "Wow! A 5700 piece jigsaw puzzle! Awright!". You create other projects. The dog gets fed. And you write nothing.

So here I am. The monitor mocks. I wait. In this linguistic duel I am already compelled to admit defeat. But a little piece of me (insert previous visual once again), reminds me that it's in there.

I have four hours and 35 minutes left to get my first 1500 words down. I have consumed 1500 chocolate calories consuming leftover Halloween candy waiting. I have wasted 1500 minutes surfing the Internet and playing on Facebook today. But the words...nope.

Four hours and 34 minutes to go....33...32...31.

If you care to join me in this month-long exercise, see the link to the right. Happy writing. Or not writing.