For the past few weeks, I've noticed that "someone has been eating in my garden!" (Just a side note...Goldilocks is one of Thomas's favorite fairy tales, except I crack up every time he asks me to read "Goldilocks and the Three Beers". I just can't resist visualizing Goldilocks slugging back a few Moose Drools with her three favorite bruins).
The other day, I caught him. A nice buck was casually sitting in the middle of my yard, munching on my carrots. So I picked up one of the 10,000 (no exaggeration) apples that has fallen in my yard from my neighbor's tree and flung it at him. He was a thing of beauty jumping over the fence and trotting down the alley...more beautiful because my carrots stayed intact.
This morning, I woke up pretty early, went outside to take in the chilly August morning and Voila! There he was again....this time when I flung the apples, he merely flicked his tongue at me as if to say, "yahoo...dessert", and ATE the apples. Grrr....
The war has begun. No gophers or moles to content with in my yard....just this.
Sadly, I'll be having waaaaay fewer green beans this year. I think Andy is psyched.
Off to Helena today. Have a great day!
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