It seems surreal as I sit at my computer on a chilly February morning, the sun just barely peeking through the clouds, that I dropped off a very happy Thomas at preschool today, where he declared, "I'm much more than four!"
Five years ago I didn't think this little guy would be with us, and today I am counting my blessings. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. It was five years ago today that I went in for a "routine" doctor's appointment at the tail end of a very difficult pregnancy. We almost lost Thomas at 20 weeks due to a placental abruption. The we did injections to build up his lungs, knowing he'd likely come early. Then at 33 weeks, I could barely feel him move, and Dr. Garnass's wonderful nurse, Gina, could not pick up a heartbeat. My heart dropped that day, a day before Valentine's Day, wondering if he was gone. I was at the hospital ten minutes later and his faint bud-dumph was picked up, but was fading in and out so quickly. An Angel arrived in the form of Craig McCoy (who is married to a dear friend of mine), and an emergency c-section was planned. Our scrawny little guy was born at 9:51 pm, weighing 3 pounds, 7.5 ounces, and a hulking 17.5 inches long. After a month in the hospital, he finally came home to roost, where he presently rules.

Maureen, thank you for sharing the wonderful story, the wonderful pictures....the wonderful blessings!!!
Maureen, these pictures are fantastic. The one of him with his little hat and smile completely sums up what I picture his personality to be. He is full of awesome. I hope to get to meet him one day. Thanks for sharing.
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