Could you not just eat this little one right up? Maysa came in for her third photo shoot today. I've been photographing her since she was still in her mom's tummy. What an adorable, sweet, happy little girl. Even with a summer cold, she turned on the charm. Get a hoot out of this ginormous bear!!!
Tyra your heart comes your future competition :)
I couldn't even wait to edit these before I had to share them, so these are "rough drafts", but I just adore this little one. Thanks to her wonderful parents who continue to share this little wonder with me and make my day.
I had a FANTASTIC time photographing Suzanne and Bobby's wedding in Virginia City, Montana at the end of July. They are actors in different companies and have spent the summer living apart due to their work schedules. The wedding was held at noon on a Wednesday because nearly everyone had to be in a show that night (except for these two!). What a beautiful, genuine, heartfelt ceremony. I was so touched by their words and the little details and jokes inserted into their wedding. And even though it was outside and a bit breezy, we could hear EVERY word because hey...everyone in the wedding party was a stage performer!
More to come, but I just wanted to share a little sneak peak. We had the opportunity to do an "after the wedding" shoot at sunset on Boot Hill and in the old section of Virginia City.
Thank you so much, Suzanne and Bobby, for letting me be a part of your day. It was an absolute pleasure and an absolute honor.