Friday, July 25, 2008
When Toddlers Pick Up Cameras
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Kelly and Howard Wedding Photos

Sunday, July 13, 2008
This weekend...
Cinderella meeting her prince...but she doesn't know that yet...
The town criers, who, well, true to MCT productions, really did cry...
Evil stepmother (played by Maddy's friend Annie Caron--Annie you did a FANTASTIC job! You reminded me of Mme. Thenardier in Les Mis!)
Madelyn's most recent MCT roles, and a couple of her photos we took while goofing around in the studio. We used the first one for the Miracle Worker program. Maddy--we're so proud of you!

Saturday, July 12, 2008
Kelly and Howard--June 28, 2008
Morgan--I'd have to agree with you! And Kelly--the look on Howard's face when he saw that surprise limo was just priceless! I hope your lives continue to be filled with all the fun, the laughter, and all the surprises you three can muster for yourselves.
Here's a little clip of some favorite shots. I'll be posting all the photos to the Pictage link hopefully by the beginning of the week, so check back! And I promised to branch out with the music. This video features "Billy Joel" and "Tuck and Patti". Enjoy!
And I have to tip my hat once again to Ed Doyle. I had been scheduled to shoot this wedding solo and Ed happened to email me not four days before asking, "Hey, do you need any help with anything?" Little did he know what he was agreeing to! Ed, who has up until now been focused on beautiful landscape and macro photography, not only assisted me...he clearly became a second shooter. He circled around the scene while I was shooting and got some beautiful images from different angles. If you look closely, you'll see the EXACT same image from the front and the back--talk about synchronicity! What a team!
Ed even shot parts of the wedding party while I was working with other parts. Many of the images you see above are his (especially those detail shots, like the cake and the wedding rings), and I'm excited to give him some opportunities to continue to get a feel for portrait and wedding shoots. Once he gets going, there will be no stopping him. I just hope we work in tandem because he's a gem and he'd be sorely missed! Ed doesn't just rock...he rocks a thousand times over (sorry, Morgan, had to steal your quote!).
Thanks, too, to the gracious wedding party who was setting up shop out at Fort Missoula and allowed us to steal a corner of the Iris Garden for our outdoor shots. We really appreciated it and we didn't even get your names! And to the limo driver, Allen, who called me up yesterday and asked me if I was the photographer who left a piece of equipment in his trunk. I'd been looking for that reflector for a week! Thanks so much, Allen! If you're in need of a Limo...this one was WAY cool...Allen even synched up the lights to Kelly's dress colors! You can contact him at or 363-3040
Friday, July 11, 2008
Wait? Don't you shoot other things, too?
My absolutely favorite subject to photograph is a pregnant woman...I can't describe the thrill of being a part of someone's birth experience in this way. Truth be told, I haven't been a part of the "rest of the story" and photographed the actual births (YET), but sharing the anticipation and joy in those last few weeks with these new moms and dads just makes this ol' heart go pitter-pat.
My next favorite subject to photograph would be that little peanut once he or she has entered this world. There is nothing that can compare to watching a new parent holding a tiny new baby and capturing those moments when it happens.
FYI--if you do a newborn shoot, it's a good idea to bring a change of clothing (for you, and for the baby...although I try to keep them as unclothed as possible so we remember how small they are). Those little ones LEAK!
Tonight I'll look through my photos and post some images from my favorite maternity and newborn shoots. Check back later on!
In the past year, I've been doing more senior portraits as well. 'Tis the season again. If you're a senior looking for a special outdoor shot, something out of the ordinary, or just a spectacular studio headshot, give me a call. Deadlines for the yearbook creep up sooner than you know it! I'm starting a Senior Ambassador program in August and I'm recruiting one or two seniors from each area high school to represent my studio to their classmates. The program will include a free sitting and the ability to earn your senior photos free of charge. Keep checking back for more information. If you're interested in being one of my Ambassadors, please drop me an email at We may even have a little friendly competition between the Ambassadors...who knows?
This year I have teamed up with my good buddy, Eileen Keenan, who went to the Rocky Mountain School of Photography (RMSP) with me and we have begun shooting weddings. Check out her blog as well:
The smoke has cleared on Mt. Sentinel and the skies are quiet this weekend. No exciting helicopter shots for me today, I guess.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Mother's Day Shoot
I had the best day on Mother's Day shooting images for this fantastic family. Three generations, ranging from ages 11 to 90. We hung out in Greenough Park (prior to the flooding...if it had been a month later we wouldn't have had any bridges to cross!). Thanks for letting me share a great day with you guys! Music is once again by The Housemartins. I promise, I'll branch out with the tunes soon!
I also need to say a HUGE thanks to Ed Doyle, a local photographer who is starting to make the move into more portrait photography (his landscape photos are AMAZING). This was his first time assisting me and he did a fantastic job--can't tell you how thankful I was to have him there to haul a ladder all over that park! Ed will be featured in a future post of my first wedding that I shot solo a couple weeks ago. More to come on that one and more of Ed's prasies to sing!
Check out his website as well:
Ed--you rock! Thanks again!
Scooby, Samuel and Shelley--June 2008
I had so much fun with this mom and her two boys last month. We spent the morning alongside the Clark Fork River finding various spots to catch these guys in action. It took an incredible amount of restraint to hold off on the mud puddle until after we were "done" shooting images. Had to grab a couple, though--it was too much fun to watch! Maybe next time camera-shy dad will come along! Hope you guys had a great vacation and I'll talk to you when you get back!
The music is a favorite band I listened to in college (many many moons ago), The Housemartins.
They Don't Pay These Folks Enough!

Fire Season Has Begun